Minggu, 20 November 2011

Sharing Miracles - 15

A father's dream into the holy land. He did not dare include his wife and children into his prayer that all may go to the holy land. To pray alone so he could go to the holy land, have a high prayer for her courage. Whatever he is. Not rich, nor righteous. Not rich, worship was mediocre.

My father was acquainted with the verses ismuwloohil a'dzhom. The series of revelations that there Asmaa-ul husnaa her. Introduced teacher. He learned all about the charity on Friday. Until he later suffered a spectacular event. He is still poor. Still the same father with the same income. But after he 7bl glory, he set out with three God destined her son, his wife and 20 children of others!

Bete there someone else's child?

Apparently he alms every Friday morning. Gave a breakfast for the kids friends kids. 20 people. Every Friday morning he also ismuwloohil a'dzhom then read this. Followed by his wife, three children, and 20 children. This time, when the service he did not commit himself, he did not have the heart to pray for himself alone. With kekurangpolan faith, he prayed, that God would give all the opportunity to pray to the House. He did not even imagine that God will grant this request along goings. One-on-one, that's what he imagined.

But that's the power of God. Among the millions of people to the holy land, pilgrimage holidays of 2009, is 25 people who mendawamkan ismuwloohil a'dzhom and Friday morning alms. Yes, this father, the street with his wife, three children, and 20 children who along with her to pray.

Ismuwloohil a'dzhom it about? And what about Friday morning alms strength? What's the difference with the charity on a regular day? And what kudu yes waiting for Friday?

Please learn more at www.kuliah-online.com

Selasa, 15 November 2011

Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) (2)

In the manufacturing industry and services, decision makers are often faced with a complex problem. One of the problems is the problem of determining the choice of candidates or just some sort of priority of several candidates. The examples in the manufacturing industry including supplier selection, the choice of purchasing machinery, plant site selection, and others. While the examples in service industries such as logistics vehicle selection, the selection of consultant work, route selection services, and so on.
Problems of decision making can be complex because of the involvement of multiple objectives and criteria. One tool (a tool), suitable for the selection of candidates or sequencing priority is the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) developed by Thomas L. Saaty. Specifically, the AHP is used to permasalahaan selection of suitable candidates or sequencing of priorities which has properties as follows:
  •   Involve qualitative criteria that are difficult dikuantitatifkan exactly.
  •  Each criterion can have sub-sub criteria that can be constructed as a hierarchy
  •  Assessment can be done by one or several decision makers are well
  •  Candidate selection is specific and limited in number
Where a decision problem to be solved by the method of AHP, the problem needs to be modeled as three common hierarchy, namely the objectives, criteria (including sub-criteria below), and alternatives. For example, suppose a manager is faced with the problem to choose the most suitable logistics fleet. This problem can be modeled as a hierarchical model of the AHP below.

In the above model, it appears there are several levels / lines that form a hierarchy. Upper level is to represent the goal. Two levels below the level of criteria and sub​​-criteria. While the lowest level shows the candidates will be considered for selection.

The basic concept is the use of the AHP pairwise comparison matrix (matrix of pairwise comparisons) to generate the relative weights between criteria and alternatives. A criterion will be compared with other criteria in terms of how important to the achievement of goals on it. For example, the specification criteria and cost criteria will be compared in terms of choosing how important transportation fleet. So also for alternatives. Vehicle A, B, and C are compared in pairs (and will be formed matrix) in terms of sub-criteria such as maintenance expenses.

These values ​​are recommended to create a matrix of pairwise comparisons are as follows:
1: equally important (equal)
     3: The more important bit (slightly)
     5: strongly more important (strongly)
     7: The more important is very strong (very strong)
     9: more important in the extreme (extreme)
In addition to the above values​​, the values ​​of which can also be used, namely, 2, 4, 6, and 8. These values ​​describe the relationship between interest in odd values ​​mentioned above. Meanwhile, if his interests turned upside down, then we can use numbers reprisokal of the values ​​above. For example, pairwise comparisons between criteria 1 and 3 is 1 / 5, meaning that three criteria strongly more important than criterion 1.

Matrix of pairwise comparisons should be made of each level that have the same hierarchical superiors. For example in the previous hierarchy, we must make a paired comparison matrix for sub-criteria of carrying capacity and sub​​-criteria of availability of spare parts to the criteria of the specification, the matrix of pairwise comparisons between sub-criteria purchase costs, maintenance costs and the cost of mileage perton against criteria of cost, and so on.

In making matrix pairs, we only need to specify an upper triangular matrix only because of a lower triangular matrix is simply the value of upper triangular reprisokal. In addition, the diagonal values ​​in paired comparison matrix is one (because each item is compared with itself). Thus, if we want to create a matrix of pairwise comparisons with a number of n items, then we only need to make a comparison of a number n (n-1) / 2.
If all pairwise comparisons matrix was collected, we can produce the final priority weights of candidate selection. The first step is any matrix of paired comparisons necessary to find the absolute weight of each item. After that, the final priority weights obtained by multiplying the absolute weight alternative to the weights of criteria and sub​​-criteria on it. Then, the final priority weights can be used as a reference sequence of interest or candidate election candidate of choice.

In this paper, I will share an excel template that can be used to generate the absolute weight of a matrix of pairwise comparisons. For example, we have a matrix of pairwise comparisons with the five items as follows:

Matriks perbandingan tersebut dapat dihitung dengan template berikut (sila unduh):
Sebagai tambahan, indeks consistency ratio menunjukkan rasio kekonsistenan matriks perbandingan berpasangan tersebut. Suatu matriks perbandingan berpasangan dianggap tidak konsisten (tidak dibuat dengan baik) apabilai nilai indeks rasio tersebut lebih dari 0.1. Selain itu, sebaiknya kita tidak membandingkan lebih dari tujuh item sekaligus dalam sebuah matriks perbandingan berpasangan. Hal ini dikarenakan nilai consistency ratio tidak cukup menggambarkan tingkat kekonsistenan matriks tersebut ketika jumlah item lebih dari tujuh.
Berikut adalah tampilan dari template tersebut.

Kemudian dengan meng-klik tombol yang tersedia, kita akan mendapatkan consistency ratio maupun bobot masing-masing item seperti tampilan di bawah.

Cara perhitungan yang saya gunakan dalam template excel tersebut adalah menggunakan iterasi rataan geometri (geomean approach). Sebenarnya metode eksak untuk menghitung bobot AHP didasarkan dengan perhitungan nilai Eigen dari matriks. Akan tetapi, perhitungan nilai Eigen akan menghasilkan programa nonlinear yang cukup kompleks (untuk jumlah item lebih dari dua). Sementara itu, berdasarkan teorema, perhitungan iterasi rataan geometri ini akan secara konvergen menuju hasil yang didapatkan dengan metode nilai Eigen. Adapun metode perhitungan consistency ratio di template excel berdasarkan buku Hamdy A Taha.

Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)

Sejarah AHP
AHP dikembangkan oleh thomas saaty pada tahun 1970an. AHP merupakan sistem pembuat keputusan dengan menggunakan model matematis. AHP membantu dalam menentukan prioritas dari beberapa kriteria dengan melakukan analisa perbandingan berpasangan dari masing-masing kriteria. Dalam sistem pengelolaan kinerja yang dimaksud dengan kriteria tersebut adalah KPI.
Penggunaan metode AHP dalam Sistem Pengelolaan Kinerja
Kaidah pembobotan menyatakan bahwa:
  1. Nilai bobot KPI berkisar antara 0 – 1 atau antara 0% – 100% jika kita menggunakan prosentase.
  2. Jumlah total bobot semua KPI harus bernilai 1 (100%)
  3. Tidak ada bobot yang bernilai negatif (-).
Berikut ini adalah langkah-langkah yang digunakan dalam menentukan bobot KPI dengan menggunakan AHP:
Menentukan nilai prioritas KPI. Biasanya orang lebih mudah mengatakan bahwa KPI A lebih penting daripada KPI B, KPI B kurang penting dibanding dengan KPI C dsb, namun mengalami kesulitan menyebutkan seberapa penting KPI A dibandingkan KPI B atau seberapa kurang pentingnya KPI B dibandingkan dengan KPI C. Untuk itu kita perlu membuat tabel konversi dari pernyatan prioritas ke dalam angka-angka. Contoh tabel skala nilai prioritas KPI seperti pada tabel dibawah:
Nilai Tingkat prioritas
1 KPI A sama penting dibanding dengan KPI B
3 KPI A sedikit lebih penting dibanding dengan KPI B
5 KPI A lebih penting dibanding dengan KPI B
7 KPI A sangat penting dibanding dengan KPI B
9 KPI A jauh sangat penting dibanding dengan KPI B
2,4,6,8 *) nilai tengah-tengah
*) Pengertian nilai tengah-tengah adalah Jika KPI A sedikit lebih penting dari KPI B maka kita seharusnya memberikan nilai 3, namun jika nilai 3 tersebut dianggap masih terlalu besar dan nilai 1 masih terlalu kecil maka nilai 2 yang harus kita berikan untuk prioritas antara KPI A dengan KPI B.
*) Tabel diatas tidak disebutkan konversi nilai KPI A kurang penting dari KPI B karena
pernyataan KPI A kurang penting dari KPI B sama dengan pernyataan nilai KPI B lebih penting dari KPI A

Selanjutnya adalah membuat table perbandingan prioritas setiap KPI dengan membandingkan masing-masing KPI. Sebagai contoh: Jika kita mempunyai 4 KPI, maka kita membuat matrik perbandingan ke-4 KPI tersebut. Misalkan dari proses menbandingkan antar KPI diperoleh nilai prioritas KPI sebagai berikut:
KPI A 1 1/2 1/5 1/3
KPI B 2 1 1/3 1
KPI C 5 3 1 1/2
KPI D 3 1 2 1
Cara mengisinya adalah dengan menganalisa prioritas antara KPI baris dibandingkan dengan KPI kolom. Dalam prakteknya kita hanya perlu menganalisa prioritas KPI yang terdapat dibawah pada garis diagonal (kotak dengan warna dasar putih) yang ditunjukan dengan warna kuning atau diatas garis diagonal yang ditunjukan dengan kotak warna hijau. Hal ini sesuai dengan persamaan matematika yang menyebutkan jika A:B= X, maka B : A = 1/X. Contoh: jika prioritas KPI B (baris) : KPI A (kolom) = 2, maka prioritas KPI A (baris) : KPI B (kolom) = 1/2 (lihat rumus persamaan perbandingan matematika diatas). Sehingga prioritas setiap KPI antara KPI A : KPI A = 1, KPI C : KPI A = 5, KPI C : KPI B = 3, KPI D : KPI A = 3, KPI D : KPI B = 1, KPI D : KPI C = 2.
Selanjutnya adalah menentukan bobot pada tiap KPI, nilai bobot ini berkisar antara 0 – 1. dan total bobot untuk setiap kolom adalah 1. Cara menghitung bobot adalah angka pada setiap kotak dibagi dengan penjumlahan semua angka dalam kolom yang sama. Contoh bobot dari (KPI A, KPI A) = 1/ (1+2+5+3) = 0.090, (KPI B, KPI A) = 2 / (1+2+5+3) = 0.181. Dengan perhitungan yang saman bobot prioritas tabel KPI di atas menjadi:

KPI A 0.091 0.091 0.057 0.118
KPI B 0.182 0.182 0.094 0.353
KPI C 0.455 0.545 0.283 0.176
KPI D 0.273 0.182 0.566 0.353

Selanjutnya adalah mencari nilai bobot untuk masing-masing KPI. Caranya adalah dengan melakukan penjumlahan setiap nilai bobot prioritas pada setiap baris tabel dibagi dengan jumlah KPI. Sehingga diperoleh bobot masing-masing KPI adalah:
  • KPI A = (0.091 + 0.092 + 0.057 + 0.118) / 4 = 0.089 (8.9%)
  • KPI B = (0.182 + 0.182 + 0.094 +0.353) / 4 = 0.203 (20.3%), dengan perhitungan yang sama KPI C, KPI D
  • KPI C = 0.365 (36.5%)
  • KPI D = 0.343 (34.3%)
Sehingga jumlah total bobot semua KPI = 1 (100%) sesuai dengan kaidah pembobotan dimana jumlah total bobot harus bernilai 100.
Perhitungan secara manual akan lebih mudah jika jumlah KPI yang dimiliki hanya sedikit , jika jumlah KPI sudah lebih dari 10 maka perhitungan bobot menggunakan software akan jauh lebih mudah. Ada beberapa software yang bisa dipakai antara lain Expert Choice, Decision Lens, TESS, Web-HIPPRE.
Proses yang paling menentukan dalam menentukan bobot KPI dengan menggunakan AHP adalah menentukan besarnya prioritas antar KPI. Karena itu seringkali terjadi pembahasan yang alot antar anggota tim implementasi sistem pengelolaan kinerja mengenai masalah tersebut. Hal ini dikarenakan tiap-tiap anggota tim memiliki persepsi tersendiri mengenai prioritas masing-masing KPI.
Semoga bermanfaat….
Artikel yang terkait: pembobotan kpi, balance scorecard, visi misi organisasi, strategy map, data kpi.
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Sabtu, 12 November 2011

Success of the world and the hereafter [obligatory]

For Muslims, when speaking of success then the question is a success and the success of the world hereafter. Very vain person is successful in the next world, but he failed. Living in the world could be counted by years, but the afterlife forever. Living in the world is very limited, both in terms of time and enjoyment, but the eternal afterlife, both in terms of time and enjoyment. Pleasures of the world visible to the eye and able to imagine, but there was never any pleasure hereafter capable of imagining. Once the mortal world up in a description of the Prophet even assuming that the world is lower than a piece of wing of a mosquito.
At the time of the Prophet had many concrete examples of their successful but failed in the next world, including Abu Lahab and Abu Jahl. They are leaders of the Quraysh, honored and respected. Property and their wealth was abundant. But the success of the world they are not followed by success hereafter. It's clear in the Koran and the hadith which mentions that they are the dwellers of hell fire.
But not a few successful examples of their successful world and the hereafter. Abdurahman ibn Auf was a rich merchant, but included in the list of 10 Companions of the Prophet that is guaranteed to go to heaven. Similarly, Abu Bakr and Ustman bin Affan. Their credibility as a successful trader no doubt, and they are also included in the 10 companions of the Prophet who is guaranteed paradise.
The choice now is in us, the world would be successful or not successful the next world. It damages people who are successful but failed in the next world. Especially for those who failed the world and failed as well in the afterlife. If we choose success and successful world hereafter, then God willing with earnest endeavor that God will open the way for us and give directions. Even the Prophet himself and his friends have given an example to us to be able to obtain both.
Remember, success aspired not have been possible without the deeds. Success coveted course to be followed by hard work. Similarly, in addition to endeavor to pick up food, there is still a practice balance that must be done so that we derive sustenance and a blessing many times over. Especially for Muslims to work it is worship.
In addition to practice, there are also prayers as the support force ourselves as servants full of limitations. No power no effort but with the help of God. Through prayer, God will help each of our business and provide additional strength to our work, charity, and worship.

"And when My servants question thee concerning Me, then (answer), I am indeed near. I grant the request of a person who prays when he pleaded with me, then let them it satisfies (commandments) and I let them believe in Me, so they are always in truth. "(Surah al-Baqarah [2]: 186)That is why as a believer, prayer must be done. In other words of his very rebuke of God who sought without praying."And your Lord says:" Pray to Me, I will answer you. Those who boast of worship Me will enter Hell in a state of abject '. "(Surah al-believer [40]: 60)Imam At-Thaibi say that prayer is to show the attitude of surrender of a servant to his Lord. So, people are lazy and do not like to pray show her pride, as if he did not need God. And in this world who does not need God? All contents of the world and the heavens belong to Him, then how could we live without praying to God?Hopefully the book 10 Practice and Prayer Successful People can donate a little science to us to be successful the next world. Hopefully the work we are in. This could be a way for sustenance for the family and others judged as worthy of worship in God's sight, and can make us into persons who are sincere.Do not just work for money, because ultimately only the money that we will get. Work to win the love and pleasure of God. Do not work well only for ourselves, but also for the good work of others. Show that we are our national heroes who fought through our work, because the fighters today is not the person who took up arms, but the people who work and try to support his family with a droplet of sweat. May Allah be pleased with any such charitable deeds. Amin.

Rabu, 09 November 2011

Think and Gratitude...

If you count Allah's blessings, you will not be able to count them. (Qs: Ibrahim: 34)

Do you think that, walking with two legs it's something trivial, while the legs often become swollen when used continuously endless road? Do you think that stand upright on two legs is something that is easy, being both strong and may not be broken someday?

So be aware, how much baseness of us when fast asleep, when the relatives are still many around you who can not sleep because the pain is bothering you ever feel humiliating when can eat delicious food and cold drinks while there are still many people around you who can not eat and drinking due to illness?

Just think, how great a loss function, by which God takes you away from deafness. Think back and touch your eyes are not blind. Remember your skin is free from leprosy and supak. And reflect on how powerful your brain function that is always healthy and avoid a humiliating madness.

Are there any you want to swap your eyes with the gold of the mountain of Uhud, or sell your hearing worth of silver a hill? Do you want to buy palaces towering with your tongue, until you dumb? Would you swap both your hands with a string of pearls, while your hands stump?

That is, in fact you are in incomparable pleasure and perfection of the body, but you do not realize it. You still feel uneasy, too late, sad, and gelisash, although you still have to eat the rice warm, fresh water for gulped, a quiet time to sleep soundly, and health to continue to do.
(Source: Latahzan Book)

O My God..

When disaster strikes, disaster struck, and a tragedy occurs, those affected would always exclaim: "O My God!".

When the doors of the request has been closed, and the veil-the veil digeraikan petition, the people sigh: "O My God!".

When all was unable to finish, every road was narrowed, the hope is lost, and all shortcuts clogs, they were called: "O My God!".

When the earth was narrowed due to the crush of life issues, and the soul felt oppressed by the heavy burden which must you endure life, menyerulah: "O My God!".